
ER taj mahal - India 09
hello * ni hao * hola * oi * bonjour * salam * zdrastvwootyeh * hallo

 also see  jazzandbicycles.wordpress.com
Hopefully the content will beER Varanasi - India 09 of value to readers of all nations.  Thanks for your patience.  After four years of international travel, I now seek repose, understanding, and the modest income necessary to survive (teaching, laboring).  In Portland, Oregon, USA, trying to get with it.
“Jazz and Bicycles” published web content is mostly: 

1.  my amateurish writing: unedited 2009-2013 quarter-annual travel emails chronologically aggregated…. (←click link OR push “PgDn” or “↓” button, repeat)

2.  a streaming mp3: click photo for link to audio – Eric playing Brazilian bossa nova music in Mozambique Apr 2012
This blog will emulate a poorly arranged book until something of higher quality comes together.  Feedback appreciated.  Enjoy
From the age of 25 to 29 I rambled with a guitar, studied foreign languages, history, geography, and economics.  Did some independent research-on-the-go in Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Johannesburg, Ghana, India, W. Europe, Istanbul, Cairo, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Japan, and Vietnam.  The longest trips were: <1> 2011: from Hong Kong to Istanbul (7.5 month silk road trip).  <2> 2012: Africa then 45 day bike tour from Portugal to Germany etc (8 months total).  I’m mentally exhausted, and maybe culturally uncalibrated.  This blog represents a candid effort to share experiences.  This blog is meant to honor all the good people who have helped me through their generosity, hospitality, and encouragement.  It’s not about me.  Probably was lucky because I usually had a guitar, but consistently had POSITIVE interactions with people, no true catastrophes.  Shout-out to my parents for not going mad with worry.  Shout-out to the peacemakers.  Home base Portland, OR, USA 2007-2013.
ER Kolkata - India 09sketches are from India 2009:

Eric Robinson’s 2009-2013 travel writing (in celebration of freedom, transnational human equality)

HERE ARE — all my (mostly yet unedited) travel updates  from  2009  -  2013
ER taj mahal - India 09
this page will be dynamic, and is something like a transforming book.  The work-in-progress is public, and the final result will include illustrations, maps, and photos.  For now, expect zero photos below.  This is reading.  If you want photos, I happily refer you to the links to travel blogs I follow, which have wonderful, vast collections of photography.Cape Coast Ghana  ERic and Friends
I recommend SCANNING the content below until something grabs you, or SEARCHING for keywords that interest you, such as “jazz”, “samba”, “Brazil” “peace”, “Ethiopia”, “Chinese”… (use Ctrl-F or search box widget on right column).  If you read everything chronologically then I might pay you, just ask, haha (but seriously, I’m cash-poor now)
In addition to travel stories, history topics, and cross-cultural reflections, posts below also include:  economic analysis for the layperson / economic data / and reflections on the global financial crisis… as effects of the economic slowdown manifested and dramas played out.  I used to invest in emerging market stocks.  Now I grow vegetables, ride bicycles, practice jazz piano, and study mandarin chinese.
written content Copyright — Eric Daniel Robinson
Portland, Oregon, United States of America       call for inquiry 503 516 38Eric Robinson  business card (teaching Aug 2013)82
published (via internet / web-blog)  August 13 , 2013  revised Sept 24, 2013
This is a DRAFT document.  Please stay tuned for more writing in the future.  First I gotta get hip and normalize a bit.  Sorry about formatting short-comings w/ text below in some areas
this web-log celebrates freedom and transnational human equality.  manifest destiny?  21st century peace
Mission Statement of 2009 -2013 global travel africa mapand nomadicism was: “I (Eric Robinson) am traveling to EDUCATE myself, and subsequently others, about world history”.
The stories are yet to be written, mostly.  But, I’m starting to sift through the cosmic debris and aggregate themes….

without further noise or much more pomp,
here is four years of typed yabber from yours truly :
WORLD TRAVEL TALES in chronological order, May 2009 – March 2013
Banyan tree in Kolkata ER 2009




ERIC ROBINSON’S  2009 – 2013  world travel blog
Hello!  May peace be upon you.  I’m Eric.  Born in the year 1984 of our Lord, I was nurtured by the love of patient and forgiving parents Ginger and Randolph in the USA y aussi a la France.  I have two living grandparents – love and respect to Wilkes and Vera.  and my brother and sisterCape Coast Ghana  ERic and Friends
Now residing in Portland, Oregon, USA, I recover from 1400 days as a bachelor-musician nomad.  Trying to normalize… but not too much.  this blog exists to publish my travel & economic writing, so you, international person, can read through the old quarterly email updates, then, I’d love to hear about your thoughts, ideas, and feelings on the world’s great challenges:  poverty, war, violence, greed, hatred, deceit.  But we shall overcome someday.  re Millenials: should they be told what to do, or asked what to do?
I was indeed fortunate to travel the world perpetually from May 2009 – March 2013, studying foreign languages, world history, economics, and the dynamic effects of “globalization”.  80% of the time with a 2/3-sized guitar in hand, to slay sucker MCs (so to say) and bring good luck into my life.  My 6-string chops are fresh, but now the focus is on piano in the1920′s – 1960′s jazz style, as I meanwhile also work for food, health, and shelter.  As the dynamo starts spinning, slowly, but faster and faster, I’m so optimistic we can work all of this outEric in Awassa, Ethiopia.  Man, I don’t even know what time it is yet (so to say).  yes freedom of speech, yes press freedom (first amendment to US constitution), civil liberties, Edward Snowden, Obama, Putin, Sunni vs Shia, Syria, debt ceiling, government shutdown, cold war baggage, oh goodness… but who is Miley Cirus?  Social Media?  Huh?  Man, I don’t use facebook, and I’m not gonna, so don’t ask me please.  Yes to privacy (fourth amendment to US constitution)!  So anyway, getting re-oriented in the U.S.A.  That’s what I mean by finding out what time it is.  Proud of my country of birth.  ‘nuf bout meMom and Dad in Missouri
Hopefully, this under-edited blog will prove of value to someone out the ~7,000,000,000 of you.  It ought to improve as I invest time in it and get in touch with the hippest computer/internet technology.
Actually if you want to read through the old quarterly updates as they were sent out in chronological order, I recommend starting from the middle or near the end, or reading at random… (it’s not yet well-edited enough to read from beginning to end).  You may contact me, please be respectful, and identify yourself and share your ideas in a thorough message.
I’m for hire, and I have a self-aggrandizing curriculum vitae that can be e-mailed
here is meagre business card:
Eric Robinson  business card (teaching Aug 2013)    
at (001) 503 516 3882 – u may call me, and fear not the voicemail
or send a thorough message w/ work-related or personal inquiries and I will most likely respond in a semi-professional manner
eric aug 2013 portlandI’m on twitter – @jazzandbicycles    https://twitter.com/jazzandbicycles
What’s some treatment for humanity’s difficult situation?  Jazz, Vegetables, Bicycles, and a heavy helping of L O V E
hard times call for jazz, samba, and afrobeat – community gets together
try to be lucky             please don’t be a jerk             and take it easy
ER Kolkata - India 09ER Varanasi - India 09ER Mumbai - India 09
written by Eric Robinson in Portland, OR USA  sept 09-23 2013
copyright Eric D Robinson